Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Arbitration Moot Competition 2024 (Pakistan Qualifying Rounds)
The Department of Law and the NUST Law Moot Society had the honour of organizing the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Arbitration Moot Competition 2024 (Pakistan Qualifying Rounds) from 31st July to 1st August 2024. The FDI Moot competition is a prestigious event that provides law students invaluable experience in international investment law and arbitration. Participants from eight universities from across the country participated in the preliminary rounds on Day 1 while the Semi-Finals and Final rounds were held on Day 2. An esteemed panel of five arbitrators arbitrated the final round including Mr. Zahid Mufti (Advocate Supreme Court), Mr. Feisal Naqvi (Senior Partner Bhandari Naqvi Riaz), Mr. Saqib Faraz (Deputy Director, Directorate of Legal Education), Mr. Ali Sultan (International Law Expert, Ministry of Foreign Affairs), and Mr. Raja Shozab Majeed, (Director International Law, Ministry of Defence). The Honourable Principal S3H, Dr. Zafar Mahmood welcomed the esteemed arbitrators of the final round and presented them with the event shields. The Department of Law and NUST Law Moot Society are grateful to all the participants, organising committee students, arbitrators and last but not least the administration and support staff of S3H for their unwavering support.