Dr Umer Khayyam (Associate Prof at S3H) and Mr Safi Ullah (Assistant Professor at SADA) have won a Research Grant 2023 (after first grant in 2022) from German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) under the title: Planning in Germany and Pakistan: Responding Challenges of Climate Change through Intercultural Dialogue. This capacity building grant project aims at exchange of ideas and inculcating research skills pertinent to climate change. It covers workshops, conferences, field exposure visits, trainings and publications for students and faculty from Pakistan and Germany. It further aims to curricula development and refining of the course contents in the domain of climate change, based on mutual experience from the Germany and Pakistan
#Congratulations to Dr Umer Khayyam and Mr Safi-Ullah on this remarkable achievement!
#NUST-S3H Department of Development Studies, and #NUST-SADA #Architecture Department is executing this project with a team of professors from the Technical University of Dortmund, Germany, and two other Pakistani partner universities (UET Lahore and LCWU, Lahore).
Learn more about this at https://bit.ly/3snCmod